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Supply Chain Risk: eBuys and "ESD Safe" Packaging to Protect Your Class 0 Devices?

Renee Mitchell, President

40th Annual ESD Symposium

Peppermill Resort Spa & Casino

Reno, Nevada

September 24-27, 2018

The Globalization of Non-Compliant & Suspect Counterfeit ESD Materials & Packaging™

27 September 2018

A Technical Presentation


Bob Vermillion, CPP/Fellow, SME Electrostatics

iNARTE Certified ESD & Product Safety Engineer

RMV Technology Group LLC

NASA Ames Research Center

Moffett Field, CA 94035


With the rapid growth of ecommerce gobally, just about anything can be procured by the consumer, Industry or Government on the internet.

The cost, the convenience and quick turnaround of a product for example, is probably the main reason for the exponential growth of ecommerce storefronts from here to Shanghai.

The ease of purchase for "ESD Safe" products widely distributed over the internet, in catalogs and through distribution based upon "Supplier Tech Data Sheets" is no longer acceptable for a particular class of consumables used in manufacturing, storage, handling and delivery for the protection of sensitive components.

During the one-hour presentation, Bob Vermillion will review case histories gathered from onsite audits to supplier test data performed in the RMV lab at NASA Ames. Surprising results will be shared for "Static Safe" consumables traceable to web purchases and catalog buys including off shore products.

RMV Technology Group is recognized as a leading ESD Materials Testing Laboratory in the USA and is frequently called upon for Electrostatics SME when products fail.

Learn more about the latest technology solutions to protect the most sensitive devices by contacting us direct at 650-964-4792 or contact Renee at

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