Global Supply Chain
Customer Requirements

Global Supply Chain,
Electronics Distribution,
OEMs, CMs, Primes, Subs
& Customer Requirements
Catalogs and Online Purchases for ESD
Materials & Products
must be tested In-House or by a 3rd Party Test Lab to Insure Supplier Compliance.
ESD Materials, Packaging, Parts, Components and Products without a MQL can be Non-Compliant or Suspect Counterfeit.
Suspect Counterfeit
Have Suspect Counterfeit ESD Packaging & Materials Infiltrated the Aerospace & Defense Supply Chain?
April 14, 2016
Over the past several years, U.S. based organizations have sacrificed the traditional “internal auditing process” with reliance upon contract manufacturers, distributors and suppliers to do the right thing. To compound the problem, organizations have accepted supplier specifications as adequate proof in qualifying a product for use. The inspection of ESD sensitive devices or EEE parts is very important, but without special safeguards, the additional handling to remove and repack a product for validation can cause both physical and ESD damage in the process. For electronic ESD sensitive components, including those not sensitive to static electricity, measures must be utilized to detect, inspect and validate the packaging as well as incoming EEE parts. Read on and learn more about why "assuming" the protective packaging as a "Visual Inspection Process" can no longer be relied upon for compliance.
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